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Free Demonstrations

Anytime that suits you best!

For as many classes as you want!

What do we offer?

No obligation, free demonstration lessons for as many classes as you'd like! 


Each demonstration lesson is around 25 mins long, so will be enough time to show all your classes a few games and activities similar to those during our courses. 

Just let us know when is best for you, and we'll be right there!

Where & When?

Our team can come to your school on any  day/time that suits you best -

Get in touch and we'll arrange it for you!

How to book a free demonstration lesson?

Simply send us an email, or use the form on this page to arrange one whenever suits you best!

Arrange a date for your free demonstration

Suitable for Class 4 & all Oberstufe classes

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Click here to see some previous projects

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